Saturday, September 21, 2013

Kenya Mall Attack : Terrorist Plot 

  At least 30 victims declared dead including Americans who were among the injured in a plot to target non-Muslims by the militant group al-Shabaab. Early Saturday morning the group stormed in the shopping center throwing grenades and open fire to the public. Muslim shoppers were warned before hand and asked to leave the premise while they continued on with the rampage. In the country of Kenya majority of the residence are Christians with only 11% of Muslim heritage , the al-Shabaab are an extremist group that target chritians and are belived to be behind some church bombings and are connected to the al-Qaeda. The devastating plot was located on the popular shopping center that is located in the neighborhood were many U.N workerrs live . The article"Americans among Injured in Deathly Kenyan Mall Attack"  by Jabeen Bhatti details the situation with many important facts that not only paint a picture of whats goiing on but also
explains the history of the group . The details presented in the article explains the confrontation of the group and its past plots that affected the U.S