Tuesday, November 19, 2013

 Gumdrops and Lollipops

I agree with your conclusion , it is not the politician who is to blame but instead it is the people which voted such suitors in the first place. Our public needs to be further aware of what's going on and who is going to office  this will make our government a better functioning system. complaining about the government is easier than actually participating and doing you're part in this country. Nice way to explain your opinion and dissecting the article of Professor Reynolds.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Forgotten Bill

The Forgotten Bill

Hello Bill S.744 it seems your 5 minutes of fame is about to come to an end I wish you went down with a fight but frankly you didn’t most likely you would wither like a rose of a scorned lover that died of disappointment and lost hopes. This bill is the epitomy of faith that many immigrant, illegal and legal, who have been asking for a chance that allows many opportunities for someone to be a part of this country and adds extensive security on our borders. Since April 16, 2013, Bill S 744 has been rolling up hill gathering enough votes in the Senate Judiciary Committee by a 68-32 and pushing it forward to the House of Representatives in which many have some issues with certain aspects and look forward to modify the bill which can take up too many months. The bills journey was really a nail bitter that had many on the edges of their seats and of course many people on their knees praying for an outcome that doesn’t need a supernatural push but instead what it needs is more alertness and for the House of Representatives to see this issues as not as an agenda or topic in which they keep promising in every election but as an issue on which millions are being effected. The House of Representatives is compromised with majority of orthodox conservatives that oppose any immigration reform unless such reform calls for major deportation (sorry Jesus and Maria) and the majority of its members would reshape the bill to something completely new. Oh and guess what? The majority of people who are going to be affected most by this bill will Hispanics and guess who they tend to lean most to? That’s right the Democratic side, so allowing many to become citizens in the future means less Conservatives in the seats of the house. This bill was generated not only thru Democrats but Republicans as well who mostly make up the group that proposed the bill and by coming together on such a major issue you can tell the gravity of the situation so why can’t they all work together (wishful thinking). It’s not a bill that rewards undocumented immigrants, it’s a national concern in which our future borders and patrol are more equipped with handling situations more profusely and allowing a wider range of time for work visas. The bill can’t fade into the crowded agendas of politicians, it’s a concern that has been put off too many times in the back burner and frankly affects us all but mostly those who want to be a part of this country, the right way so House of Representatives give them chance.