Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Women Soldier

It’s sad really how an environment effects how you are going to be treated. If a woman in the army gets rape she won’t get help as much as a civilian. The difference? They are in army that’s it, but you see they shouldn’t be ignored like they are only because there’s a conflict of interest in the military. 20 women in the senate are finally standing up and saying enough with a new bill that will remove all rape cases from the chains of command and give them Judge Advocate General Corps. How long did these women have to be kept quiet and ignore what happened to them because they were told too? Our government keeps a lot of hush regarding to our military and our soldiers. This bill will help any women soldiers be protected from any unforeseen circumstances. Its great a bill that has not been passed yet but has good chances to go through if not there’s another problem in this system. These women are volunteering to protect us and offer their services but according to Newsweek women are more likely to be assaulted than dying on combat. Although this bill is great there is still a lot of work ahead where these women wont even have to worry about being that situation . It’s a shame that the government doesn’t pay more attention to what’s going on with our soldiers, we as a country need to help them while they are protecting us if not how can go to bed soundly ?